Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mutually beneficial relationship... everybody wins

I have recently engaged in a relationship with my neighbors that benefits us both. My neighbors’ benefit is more concrete while mine is an ease of conscience. I get to feel good about myself. First, some background information about the ways of life here. In Talanga, there is running water twice a week. In my neighborhood Monday mornings and Friday mornings the faucets start working, often around 6 or 6:30 although it could be anytime. Water generally runs for the majority of the morning, sometimes into early afternoon. You never really know when it will come and go. Since the other 5 days there is no water, everyone spends these mornings filling every container and barrel they can find, hence the pila. A pila is essentially a concrete holding tank for water. The pila needs to be emptied and cleaned every so often. I have algae problems therefore my pila needs cleaning almost every week.

So, water comes every Monday and Friday, except when it doesn’t. Some days the water just doesn’t come. This usually does not cause problems for me. I am one person living in a small house with a rather large pila and a barrel in the bathroom which I use to bathe, wash hands and flush the toilet. I generally only use the pila water to wash clothes and dishes. Some times laundry misses the to-do list between water coming. Therefore, I have a huge pila full of water. When it comes time to clean the pila I must drain it completely. Occasionally, I see my neighbor kids walking to the river with buckets. A family with three adolescents and a toddler uses a lot of water. Just the laundry dirtied by a two year old probably uses more wash water than I use all week. When water inexplicably does not come, it causes stress and problems for many families. The wealthier families can buy extra water but that isn’t a realistic option for everyone.

I caught my neighbors walking to the river with buckets on a day I sat with a full pila. I invited the kids to bring water from my house to theirs instead of from the river. I think they felt a little guilty the first time, worried I would run out of water because I gave it to them. The water has been surprisingly reliable the last few months, until last week. Last Monday, water did not come, by Tuesday they were scraping the last drops from the bottom of their pila. The mom poked her head in my door (which is always standing wide open). She hesitantly asked if I could give them a bucket of water. When she saw my pila was full and I stressed that there is no way I could use it all, to take as much as they needed, she sent the kids back for a few more buckets. Thursday the son popped his head in, “Laura, regaleme agua por favor.” Of course I will give you water! The family benefits by receiving free water from across the street instead of hauling it several blocks (slightly up hill). Talanga water is considered potable but I would not call it “clean” by any means. Some days it comes through the tap brown and muddy, especially after heavy rainstorms. That is just what you can see, I have not had my water quality checked for bacteria, parasites and other problems, I am afraid of the findings. Still, I believe the pila water is cleaner than the visibly polluted river (again, I don’t even want to speculate about what I can’t see!) How do I benefit from this arrangement? I feel better that my neighbors aren’t using river water (both for their own health and what is left of the health of the small river.) I also don’t feel guilty when I clean the pila and waste gallons and gallons of water. I realize this is not a sustainable solution but it works for now. In two months they will have to return to the river. Until then, they can keep laughing at me each time I buy 1 Lempira (about 6 cents) of tortillas. They understand that I am just one gringa and don’t eat tortillas with every meal but they still get a kick out of my 1 Lempira. Most people buy many, EVERY day. My host mom makes 60-70 tortillas daily. I enjoy my 3-5 (depending who fetches them for me) maybe once a week.

Yes, the "coup" continues but I don't really have any news for you. Life in Talanga still hasn't changed much.

Photos: 3rd grade dramas about hygiene and tooth brushing, my pila

Monday, July 20, 2009

June and July pictures

As promised, here are some photos from the last two months. Projects in the schools, teachers, the dinner I made for Honduran friends, my neighbor hood the day of the falling trees (the trees, neighbors, the police truck from my front door, etc), Bello on my front stoop, cutting the grass along the highway-with machetes, WA pride, this years Pasionistas (yep, group is changing again ALREADY!).

Friday, July 10, 2009

Still here...

Yes, I am still fine, just frustrated and STUCK! I am stuck in my site and haven't been to Tegus in 3 solid weeks. I am pretty sure that is a record. I have never stayed away from Tegus for more than 3 weeks. I WANT OUT!!!
But, at least I have my health...

photos soon... it's a "promise"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Micahel Jackson DIED! Oh, and a coup

Over the last two years, I have learned a lot about priorities. Well, that isn’t necessarily true. I am not sure I have learned so much as that the reality of priorities and the role they play in life is a constant presence. The way people prioritize has been a fountain of frustration throughout my service. Of course everyone prioritizes differently, especially once you cross the culture boundary. Some things just seem obvious, like health, hygiene and education. (Granted, my hygiene suffers on occasion and I eat foods and at places which I know will probably make me sick.) Thursday, I was reminded of how funny life is and priorities. It often takes days, weeks, sometimes months, for me to hear about events and news, especially from the US. I called a fellow volunteer to invite her to help judge the “First English Music Festival.” She answered with something to the effect of, “Hey what’s up, did you know MICHAEL JACKSON DIED! I just saw it on CNN.” It was strange to hear about such news within hours (I believe) of the actual event. An hour or two later, I stopped by the Passionist volunteers’ house and there too I heard the news. From the Passionists’ I visited one of my teachers and her family where she relayed the news and I later saw it on the local TV station, “Talanga Vision”. Apparently Michael Jackson (And Farah Fawcett as a side note on two of the four occasions) was just big news that I not only heard about it the same week, but FOUR times the day of! Life is funny.

The above paragraph was written June 27. Before the coup.

Speaking of news, it is amazing how little I have about the current situation here. You may have more information than I do. Especially since I do not own a TV or radio.
The question everyone wants to know: “What the hell is going on in Honduras?”
Yes, I am fine. Although the government is in major transition and somewhat unstable at the moment; violence (as far as I know, to this point) has been minimal. There have been many protests in the capital and bigger cities but they seem to be mostly peaceful. As for most small towns, life has continued more or less as normal. Here is what I can tell you and my understanding of the situation:
Last Sunday, June 28, “ex-President” Mel Zelaya had scheduled a special election to put a fourth box on the ballot. This new issue known as the “Cuarta Urna” would change the process to amend the constitution. The president would be able to make changes without going through Congress (which is currently the process). “While Honduran law allows for a constitutional rewrite, the power to open that door does not lie with the president. A constituent assembly can only be called through a national referendum approved by its Congress.” The National Congress, Supreme Court and Military stated that the election was unconstitutional and Sunday morning Mel made a statement from Costa Rica. Honduras had no power and news and radio stations were down from about 7:15am until midday. In the afternoon, Congress appointed the next in line (Micheletti, the president of Congress) as the new acting president until the next president is elected in November and sworn-in in January (as previously scheduled). This is an election year and Honduras has a single term limit for the office of President of the Republic.
Monday, school was cancelled. In many places schools have not yet reopened. Kids and teachers in Talanga returned to school on Tuesday and Wednesday but classes have been cancelled again today and tomorrow. Mel is scheduled to return to Honduras on Saturday.
Throughout the week, protesters for both Zelaya and Micheletti have gathered in the Capital and other cities. Some roadblocks have occurred. Peace Corps volunteers have very limited travel permission. I hate to speak for others, but I think I am safe in saying most PCVs just want the situation to end so we can go back to working and the previous level of travel freedom.

I never thought I would live through a coup. I must say, the view from my post in Talanga would not make a very good movie script. Considering power outages and cancelled school happen all too regularly, the only thing truly out of the ordinary is the news. Other towns may be different and I know some places lost power for 2 days straight during the week. As for now, we await an end to the restrictions and the reasons they are necessary. Happy 4th of July.

I tried to add photos but they won't upload. Sorry, internt sucks coup or no coup.