I apologize that I have been so aweful about keeping everyone updated. I had internet in the last town but unfortunately, all of the Peac Corps Trainees have the same scedule and it was usually full when I had time to use it. I am sorry to say that it is unlikely that this situation will improve in the next few months because we moved to another town with out internet access. I now have to take a bus for about 45 minutes to use the internet.
I am now in Field Based Training in Cantaranas (singing frogs), Honduras. Cantaranas is about 2 hours (by bus) northeast of Tegucigalpa. It´s hot, very hot and a little humid. I am very glad we came during the winter because I´m not sure how well I would adjust from our Northwest winter into their summer. Right now it is the middle of winter and it feels like a Tacoma summer. probably 90 degrees and no air conditioning in which to escape.
Physically, I´m adjusting to the weather and the food. The food in Cantaranas is a little different than it was in Santa Lucia much of that may or may not simply be the change in families. They use a lot of salt and margerine in this country. My new host family is really nice but they try to feed me SO much! I try to tell them that I don´t need so much but I´m hesitant not to sound rude since I still am not fluent in Spanish.
My Spanish had definitely improved but I still feel that I have a long way to go. It is exhausting having to speak in Spanish all day and evening. In Santa Lucia I woke with the roosters every morning and went to bed around 9. Yes, me, going to bed early every night, by choice! (And I now drink coffee with some regularity. Yes Brian, it´s really coffee, not Nescafe!) Cantaranas is a bit different and I actually need my alarm. My host family lives a block from the Parque Central and this town is a bit noisier than Santa Lucia so it´s a little more difficult to go to sleep early.
Psychologically, I am holding up remarkably well. I really like most of the people in my project, and training class but I miss everyone from home. It´s difficult to talk about it in detail because I don´t know how to describe this place and the entire experience. The most difficult thing right now is a constant feeling of being a guest, and unsettled. Just as we adjusted to Santa Lucia and our host families, the group split up b project and we had to move in with new families. We will be here for 6 weeks before returing to Santa Lucia for a few das before heading to our sites. No, I don´t not know where I will be yet. I will definitely let you know when I find out in about 6 weeks.
It´s a beautiful country. I love it but I miss good chocolate, dried fruit and nuts. And of course, you!
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