I feel as if I am constantly apologizing for the long time periods between my updates. I guess that is a sign that I am integrating and becoming more comfortable in my life here. I don’t feel the constant need to either for comfort or to share the bizarre things I see. The weird things no longer seem abnormal. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or bad but I do still have occasional
“Oh yeah, I am in Honduras” moments. This week, it was dealing with my ant infestation. I thought ants made nests in hills, not in my bedroom ceiling! I don’t battle one type of ant in and around my house, but at least three. There are the little black ones that look like the ones from home, but they bite! There are the tiny ones, almost invisible except for their movement and they are the big reddish-brown ones. These are the ones I had to use the Raid on. I started finding big winged ants around my house, mostly in my bedroom. After a day or two of killing the ones I encountered, I noticed them crawling from a crack in the ceiling. I itch just thinking about it. Following a quick fumigation, their numbers appear to be dwindling. I hope it is at least semi-permanent. I am not a big fan of spraying Raid in my tiny box of a house. Really, I shouldn’t complain because I don’t generally have major ant problems, just a few each day. Some people have major issues and can’t leave anything unsealed for more than 30 seconds. I am thankful I have not had to deal with that, YET.
Aside from insect mass murder, I am just returning to work again after a nice week long break. Easter is a much bigger deal here than in the States. Instead of having the Easter Bunny and a special Sunday dinner, the entire country shuts down Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Even the buses and taxis stop running. Schools close for the entire week so if functions as spring break for the entire country.
The highly religious (generally Catholic) diligently go to church every day, avoid eating meat (especially pork) and enjoy soup made with dried fish all week. I think I have expressed my dislike for consuming hot soup in the heat of the day. Mix a little dried fish and you can count me out. I taste almost anything but passing the dried fish hanging in the streets the last several weeks didn’t exactly peak my appetite.
The not-so-religious who can afford it often take the opportunity to travel. Therefore, tourist destinations generally stay open except Friday, the holiest of days. The lack of transport does present a predicament so those wishing to leave town must do so early and most people return Sunday when the bus system resumes. Imagine traveling Thanksgiving weekend except the majority of traffic is made up of buses. That is when you pay the extra buck for a lujoso line which only sells as many tickets as there are seats. Otherwise, you may end up standing for a 10 hour journey. No thank you. Monday I experienced another, “what the heck is going on?” moment. Apparently, the day after Easter is celebrated by men dressing in women’s clothes and scary masks, running through the street playing music and trying to dance with/chasing down other men throughout town.
One claim was that it is a celebration of the death of Judah, another said it is like dancing with the devil. Either, both or neither could be true. Supposedly the women dress like men and try to dance with other women the next day but I did not witness this one. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, I just didn’t stumble across it.
Now that Semana Santa (Holy Week) has passed, I can start some real work. I am currently busy preparing and waiting for materials. I am scheduled to start TEAM (Teaching English And Methodology) with the teachers from 3 schools in Talanga and aldeas. Frustratingly, we have not received the manuals from the Ministry of Education yet. I am also waiting for a donation of tooth brushes and toothpaste from Colgate Palmolive. The goal is to teach 1st and 2nd graders about dental hygiene. Maybe they will still have teeth by the time they should graduate from high school.
I was also reminded that Earth Day (happy birthday Traci and Melissa) is creeping up very quickly. That means I need to come up with Earthy activities. It’s a good excuse to talk about deforestation and littering. In addition, I will give an HIV/AIDS workshop at the colegio around the same time. I am anxious to get these programs started and establish a routine. My schedule is pleasant in its freedom but frustrating an unmotivating at the moment. I need structure in my life. Poor Bello doesn’t know what’s going on or when I will come home. He is still growing ridiculously fast spends the hours either running tirelessly or sleeping. There is no middle ground. I spend significantly more on food for him than for myself. Good thing he is worth it. Maybe it’s my “sanity” that is worth it although “sanity” is relative. I consider running with my dog on a leash as I talk to him (and he responds) normal but most Hondurans probably think I am on something. (Don’t worry Mom, I am not on anything.) 
Speaking of sanity… during training, several of us decided that by a year into service, every volunteer seemed to be a little off, many of them admit it. Whether the cause is experiencing a new level of boredom, frustration, loneliness and entertainment or a culmination of all the changes we go through, I don’t know but I think I have tipped the scale. Hopefully I can claw my way back to “normal” someday.

Aside from insect mass murder, I am just returning to work again after a nice week long break. Easter is a much bigger deal here than in the States. Instead of having the Easter Bunny and a special Sunday dinner, the entire country shuts down Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Even the buses and taxis stop running. Schools close for the entire week so if functions as spring break for the entire country.

The not-so-religious who can afford it often take the opportunity to travel. Therefore, tourist destinations generally stay open except Friday, the holiest of days. The lack of transport does present a predicament so those wishing to leave town must do so early and most people return Sunday when the bus system resumes. Imagine traveling Thanksgiving weekend except the majority of traffic is made up of buses. That is when you pay the extra buck for a lujoso line which only sells as many tickets as there are seats. Otherwise, you may end up standing for a 10 hour journey. No thank you. Monday I experienced another, “what the heck is going on?” moment. Apparently, the day after Easter is celebrated by men dressing in women’s clothes and scary masks, running through the street playing music and trying to dance with/chasing down other men throughout town.

Now that Semana Santa (Holy Week) has passed, I can start some real work. I am currently busy preparing and waiting for materials. I am scheduled to start TEAM (Teaching English And Methodology) with the teachers from 3 schools in Talanga and aldeas. Frustratingly, we have not received the manuals from the Ministry of Education yet. I am also waiting for a donation of tooth brushes and toothpaste from Colgate Palmolive. The goal is to teach 1st and 2nd graders about dental hygiene. Maybe they will still have teeth by the time they should graduate from high school.

Speaking of sanity… during training, several of us decided that by a year into service, every volunteer seemed to be a little off, many of them admit it. Whether the cause is experiencing a new level of boredom, frustration, loneliness and entertainment or a culmination of all the changes we go through, I don’t know but I think I have tipped the scale. Hopefully I can claw my way back to “normal” someday.
Photos, Honduran sunset and beach, School kids joining with the community to protest illegal logging (I don't think you can see the police in full riot gear), and Escuela Juan Lindo kids celebrating Dia del Padre
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