In no particular order...

1 Ants: When a cockroach (or anything) falls from the ceiling and dies in the night, it is gone by morning. Although the ants are disgusting and annoying at times, they are great house cleaners.
2 Spiders: I still don't like spiders and the huge ones (like the one I literally shooed with a broom last night) still sort of freak me out, they eat the more immediately obnoxious mosquitos. Anything that eats mosquitos and other biting insects can live, at least for now.

3 Rain: After 6 years in Tacoma, I never thought I would say it, but I miss the rain. Here, the rain is a Godsend. Relief from the relentless heat. Rain means it might cool off at night and I might be able to sleep.

5 Corn Tortillas (other than as a taco shell): The fresh ones, right off the fagon... mmm. I'm learning how to make them so you can experience it when I get back.
6 Lack of A/C: I know it sounds weird, but I get so cold when their is air conditioning. Then, when you walk outside, you are BLASTED with the strong heat of reality. The shade and a nice cement building with tile roof work nicely. (Metal roof definitely NOT recommended.)

7 Appearing As If I Don't Understand: Yeah, sometimes it is annoying, but sometimes I use it to my advantage and pretend I don't understand, whether I do or not. Most often, this is when people are selling things on buses.

8 Cornflakes: I never liked them growing up. Being half the price of any other cereal and the healthier of three choices in my site (cornflakes, cocoa crispies or frosted flakes, occassionally), I actually enjoy them now (yes, with my warm, long-life milk)

9 Plastic Chairs: They are all I have. Although I sometimes prefer the cool tile floor, it is nice to have a seat to offer the few people who stop by my house. They work great to throw junk on as I walk in the door too.
10 Cold Showers: Ok, so in the "winter" it sucked. But now that the days are hot without relief. I actually prefer cold showers to hot. I actually feel refreshed, as opposed to a warm shower, which you exit and immediately start sweating again. This may change as rainy season returns, but for now, I think it may be the thing I appreciate most.

Photos: Earthday activities with the Catholic Passionistas (Mateo is pictured) in Talanga and Cantarranas' comida tipica festival (the following day). The cows are turning two gears which squeezes the raw sugar cane and pure sugar cane juice pours out the bottom, into the red bucket. If you add a little lime, it tastes just like limonada.
Sorry, not too much else to report. I spent the last few days with a fever but now have meds and I am starting to feel better. Still sort of busy and waiting for the flood. I am giving my first quiz to my English class or teachers this afternoon. Should be interesting, even though they are
teachers, I hear they cheat... we will see. I have two versions of the quiz but don't plan on telling them that. If I get weird answers, I will know why. I don't really have an excuse for not updating this sooner, I just haven't done it. I try really hard not to use the "I didn't have time" excuse. We definitely over use it in the States because honestly, if we want to get something done, it generally gets done. "I didn't have time" is code for "I didn't prioritize it". Here, I have given up on the excuses. I have plenty of time if I want to use it. If I don't do something, I simply didn't do it. : )

Good books I have read lately: The Alchemist (quick read, great story) and I am just finishing A Million Little Pieces (originally supposedly true then it later caim out that it was a fraud and all made up. It is about a seriously addicted guy going through rehab and his internal struggles. I find it fascinating. I am curious where he got his information or if he pulled it all out of thin air.)

I am really excited at the prospect of an occassional break from the sunscreen/bug repellent smell. Thanks Trac!
1 comment:
I am a RPCV Honduras 1 group member, 03-05, and I enjoyed reading your blog as it reminded me of the joys of Honduras
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