Looks like it has been awhile...
It was pointed out to me that from my blog, it appears I travel a lot. That isn't really true, it's just the most interesting things to write about. That is probably a major reason I have not updated the blog recently, I haven't been out and about much.

Work wise, things have been hit and miss, as always. I just finished a teamwork and creative thinking project with 5th graders at one of my schools. Once a week I met with the class to do different activities teaching them how to work in groups, share ideas and have fun. We started with the "human knot" and failed miserably. We had 6 teams of 6 and not a single group was even close to figuring it out. After several minutes of trying to explain, demonstrate and attempt, they were still trying to pull against each other. I tried hinting that some people may need to turn around.
They all turned around and twisted themselves even more! I let them try several times and decided to use it as a pre/post test. At the sixth and final session, every group figured it out! I was so proud to see the improvement. It is a little thing, but a big step. Any task outside the norm can be very difficult. The norm is copy and memorize. I did none of that. During the 6 sessions we had a longest object competition, made "Puff mobils" (a vehicle powered by a group member blow
ing on the object), made skits utilizing props, amoung other things. The kids really seemed to enjoy it and were even prepared after holidays and another teacher strike postponed our fifth session for 2 weeks! I am starting a "world map" project with 6th graders at another school as well. We have only had a few preporatory session so far. I am leaning how little they know about geography and
they are learning how to enlarge a map using a grid. Final exams start in a few weeks and I hope to work with the kids who don't fail their exams and paint a giant world map on the side of the school while the kids who did fail their exams are in review session and retakes. Ojala we can get it all done before school is officially out.

I am still trying to implenent a water filter project to distribute water filters throughout the homes of the aldea where these two schools are. It hasn't been going anywhere. In addition to teachers striking, the nurses have their own fight. That means the small health center
I am trying to work with was closed for almost 3 weeks. I am also having trouble getting word out that these filters are available and cheap. I wanted to work with the community to find ways of fundraising but the response I received was not positive, "but Laura, people in this community don't want to work." If people don't want to work, how am I supposed to help? This is a constant battle for all of us. There are people who work but in many communities, the people who are willing to work hard for things, volunteer and put f
orth time and effort are already involved in so much they have no time for anything else. I don't think this is a trait unique to Honduras or even developing communities but it's still frustrating.

After having 17 PC trainees in my site for 5 weeks, I did take a short vacation to the beach town of Tela.
When I say short, I mean I had a day and a half at the beach. Like a weekend, if I remember what those are like. My schedule is so erratic it's hard to envision a 9-5, Monday through Friday type schedule. Tela was gre
at, the
beach was beautiful and I took a whole 2 pictures. It was just nice to vacation for a few days and see my good friend Rachel. 

I will try to update this a little more frequently but the laptop broke again and I get flustered and stressed out in the internet cafes just trying to check my email.

Pictures: Tela (2); Teamwork kids preparing "Vuelo de los Huevos": Flight of the Eggs; Teams after their egg survived being dropped from about 12 feet; Dia del Nino: Kids, teachers putting on skits, etc.
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