Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sorry guys, not that much interesting has happened this week. There are only a few weeks left of school before vacation so for now I continue to teach English and play soccer and baseball with the kids. Every town has an annual feria to honor a patron saint. Mine is the first week of November so street food vendors and circus games are popping up around the central park. Each night there are "futbolito" games int he park. Four on four (always guys of course) playing with a miniture ball on a cement cancha about the size or a basketball court. Unfortunately, I have only seen half of one game because they don't start until 7 or 8 and there is a slightly sketchy area in the 3 block walk between my house and the park. Essentially, it's safe to be at the park at night, and it's safe to be at my house, but it isn't as safe to travel between the two. I could go if I had an escort but so far, no luck with that. My family is really nice, very Catholic and very concerned about my safety. So for now, I don't leave the house after dinner. That is probably my biggest challenge right now, I miss having a social life.

I know I mentioned hair scrunchies last time, but this week, I have not been able to get over the presence of the 80's. Anyone who said the 80's are dead was wrong. They just moved to Central America. It's amazing. Not only hair scrunchies and banana clips but spandex, Michael Jackson and more. They LOVE 80's music. I think I saw 3 or 4 different ads during one TV show for 80's compilation CDs. I'm telling you, the 80's are alive and kicking.

Of course I am getting plenty of new cultural experiences both in town and in my house. This past week celebrated a saint (forgive me, I don't remember which saint). The living room in my host family's house was transformed into more of a shrine of articial flowers and the sofas were replaced by stacks of plastic chairs. I didn't fully realize the significance of all of this until I came home to about 15 woman praying in the living room. I think my house is sort of a worship center this week and judging by the materials my family has for this occasion, I think it is a yearly occurence (possibly more frequently but I haven't asked for details yet). Part of me wants to stay and watch but I don't feel comfortable intruding on their prayer time. I did go to church with my host mother and brother last Sunday and that was an interesting experience. It was a nice ceremony but I definitely felt like an observer and an outsider. Since they recite the prayers, repsonses and songs from memory, it was a little difficult to participate. I recognized a few of the tunes but when it came to joining, I was clueless. I don't know the lyrics to hymns in SPANISH! I'm sure if I go frequently enough, I will learn, but that will take time.

This turned out to be sort of a strange entry but so are my days. I'm chugging along trying to meet people and get to know my community. Next week I get to collaborate for a baseball camp in Ocotepeque. That means I get to visit friends. Yea!! Love and miss you all!

tried to upload pics but after 4 tries, I gave up. Sorry, next time.

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